A handful of things I've built.
Led and shipped the trading interface for version 2, which was a complete rebuild of the entire exchange now doing $100 million in daily trading volume. I was responsible for many aspects of the frontend trading interface, from building out various components such as the orderbook, market selector menu, trade positions table and trade ticket, to onboarding and reviewing code for other interns. The second half of the internship was backend; I maintained the risk engine and configured all the microservices to log to a centralised ELK logging server via Pulsar.
reactjavaspringelkpulsardockerExplaining Diagnosis Results with LIME & Grouping Clinical Symptoms using Graph Algorithms
My summer internship at Curai consisted of two projects. The first was to use LIME to explain results from the diagnosis prediction model. The second was to implement an algorithm that groups similar clinical symptoms that belong to the same hierachy.
reactpythonnode.jsRefer a Medical Specialist
At FindDoc, I worked with an ML engineer to build an app that predicts which kind of medical specialist a patient should see based on his/her symptoms. I was responsible for building out the databases, frontend and backends.
reactnode.jsmysqlredisRefer a Medical Specialist Chatbot
Chatbot version of Refer A Medical Specialist.
Author Classification with BERT
Final project for CIS 530 Natural Language Processing. We used the Reuters_50_50 dataset, which consists of 5000 news articles by the top 50 authors, and applied various models to predict author identification. The best published accuracy was 69.1% by Qian et al (2017) using a GRU-based model. We smashed that with a 92.9% accuracy using an end-to-end embedding and classification model with BERT as a layer in a forward-feed neural network and bag of words as an additional feature.
pythonscikit-learnnumpyPredicting the Success or Failure of Kickstarter Campaigns
Final project for CIS 520 Machine Learning. We examined over 380,000 kickstarter campaigns spanning a period of 2009 to 2018 and fitted the data across a variety of models: logistic regression, XGBoost, Adaboost, decision tree, random forest and neural network. XGBoost performed best with an accuracy of 70.23% and a recall of 43.64%.
pythonscikit-learnnumpyWeb Crawler & Text Summarizer
Final project for CIS 552 Advanced Programming in Haskell. We made a web crawler that crawls news sites and summarises articles using TF-IDF. I built the parser, crawler, logger and wrote QuickCheck tests.
haskellquickcheckPenn OS
Final project for CIS 548 Operating Systems where we had to build an operating system complete with shell, filesystem and scheduler. I was repsonsible for the shell.
cMusic Streaming Protocol
Final project for CIS 553 Network Systems where we designed our own music streaming protocol called Purrfect Meowsical Protocol (PMP).
pythonYelp Restaurant Recommendations
Final project CIT 594 Data Structures where we designed a restaurant recommendation algorithm based on co-reviewers' tastes using modified version of breadth-first search.
Check My Digital Footprint
Final project for CIT 591 Intro to Software Development. We made a GUI app that scans your gmail inbox and lists which listservs you are subscribed to. I was responsible for the frontend.
Nervetelligence (Hackerthon)
An arduino-based hardware device that allows telemedicine doctors to conduct neurological examinations remotely via video stream. PennApps Hackerthon project.
arduinonode.jsreactAuto-Ox (Makerthon)
Rothberg Catalyzer hardware makerthon project that reads pulse oximetry and prints to web-app via sockets
arduinonode.jsreactVoting App (FreeCodeCamp)
Full stack voting app that allows users to create and vote polls.
node.jsreactmongodbMeteor Map (FreeCodeCamp)
Interactive map of meteor landings across the globe.
reactd3Flag Force Graph (FreeCodeCamp)
Interactive force graph of flags.
reactd3Monthly Global Land Surface Temperature (FreeCodeCamp)
Interactive heat map of the globe's monthly land surface temperature.
reactd3Doping In Professional Bicycle Racing (FreeCodeCamp)
Interactive scatterplot of professional cyclists with/without doping allegations.
reactd3Annual GDP in the USA (FreeCodeCamp)
Interactive bar chart of annual GDP in the USA.
reactd3Markdown Previewer (FreeCodeCamp)
Previews markdown code.
reactSuper Simple Tic Tac Toe (FreeCodeCamp)
No fluff tic tac toe.
reactSimon Game (FreeCodeCamp)
The Simon game.
reactPomodoro Clock (FreeCodeCamp)
A pomodoro clock.
reactCalculator (FreeCodeCamp)
A super simple calculator.
reactTwitch Streaming Widget (FreeCodeCamp)
Twitch streaming web app.
reactWikipedia Widget (FreeCodeCamp)
Wikipedia API widget.
reactWeather App (FreeCodeCamp)
Weather app that fetches current weather and location using OpenWeatherMap and Google Maps APIs.